Step By Step Guide To Begin Seo Journey

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What Does SEO Stand For?

SEO or Search engine optimization is the process of increasing a website’s organic traffic, website ranking on search engines, and eventually boosting ROI. SEO includes developing excellent quality content, keeping a check on technical issues related to the company’s website, acquiring links from third-party websites, and sustaining the website’s local presence on search engines, just to name a few.

The digital marketing agency in Mumbai has a team of SEO experts who understand the intricacies and technicality involved in SEO and therefore they provide the best SEO solutions to their clients.

How Search Engine Ranks Website?

The primary aim of an SEO plan is to rank at the top in search engine results. There are various search engines like Bing, Google, etc. Out of all Google is a very popular search engine. The Google algorithm categorise, organise, and rank the content depending upon various factors like relevance, quality, and EMD. The ultimate goal of the Google algorithm is to make people happy who are searching for information and they should be able to find it on the search engine result pages.

For Google to rank a webpage or the content keywords play a very crucial role in the entire process. Keywords are basically the phrases or queries that searchers type in the search bar to find about the product/services/brands. Incorporating such keywords in the content results in a bigger search volume. To know relevant keywords for the content SEO company in Mumbai uses various software and tools like keyword overview or keyword magic tool to find the high ranking and most relevant keywords to be used in SEO content.

Given below is the process of how the search engine ranks a website:

  1.   Crawlers: Google “bots” crawl on a website to check the relevant and original content displayed on the web pages. If the website has the support of backlinks from third-party sites, then it becomes easy for Google to find that page. 
  2.   Index: Once Google finds out the page, it then analyses the webpage, its URLs as discovered by bots, and try to understand what that webpage is all about? Google checks the webpage’s content, keywords, and media files to save the information in Google’s database or index.
  1. Serving: As Google completes assessing the URL, it displays the web pages that are most relevant to the search engine queries.

To know more about how Google PageRank works click here.

Importance of SEO

There are various digital marketing services like PPC, social media marketing, email marketing, etc. But out of all search engine optimisation or SEO is the most popular choice among marketers.

The beauty of SEO is, it brings traffic over a website for free of cost. The marketers don’t require to pay any fee for gathering traffic over the company’s website. That’s why this traffic is called organic traffic. SEO takes time to show its results that can vary from 3 to 6 months, but if the SEO strategies are formulated wisely then the results sustain for a longer duration.

SEO helps in increasing a brand’s visibility by developing high-quality content using high ranking keywords strategically so that search engines can locate the page and display it in the search engine results. This process brings visitors over to the website who are interested in learning more about the products/services that the brand has to offer. Ultimately more traffic over the website generates good business leads. More are the business leads higher is the conversion rate and thus ROI of the business also increases with time.

SEO aims to make the website appears among the top in the search engine result pages. This makes searchers familiar with the company’s website, its products and services. This result in converting website visitors into buyers. This also results in building strong brand reputation among its audience.

How does SEO work?

SEO is an art that forces search engines to show the content of the company’s website to the searchers in its best, authoritative and comprehensive manner. SEO works in three ways, namely On-page, Off-page, and technical. The activities conducted under these three are given below.

  1. a) On-page SEO activities: The On-page SEO activities focuses on optimising the webpages by using high ranking keywords, HQ images/videos, developing unique and meaningful content to engage the audience for a longer time, inter-linking the webpages.
  2. b) Off-page SEO activities: Off-page activities work on the backend of the website. These activities focus on making a website appear as the most trustworthy, relevant, and authoritative to the search engines. This includes building high quality backlinks on the third-party websites.
  3. c) Technical SEO: Technical SEO optimises the website’s structure and its usability. It looks after website loading speed, screen friendliness, schema markup, and UI/UX.

If you want to know more about SEO techniques to increase the organic traffic then click here.

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