Search Engine Optimization Techniques to Increase Organic Traffic

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Increase Organic Traffic

Every website owner wants to use the best SEO techniques to increase organic traffic and improvise SERPs. There are so many things that can be implemented in order to make Google understand the webpage and the content in a better way and rank the webpage accordingly. Here are the few tips that will help in building effective web content, web structure, and improve site performance to generate thick traffic on the website.

How to increase organic traffic on website?

  1. Create quality backlinks in good quantity
    Backlinks are the links that direct visitors from other websites to visit your company’s website. The Google has rated backlinks as the third most important factor to bring more traffic on a website and that is why the majority of the companies invest their time in creating backlinks to stay at the top among their competitors by fetching more organic search traffic on their website.

    Here comes the big question – How many backlinks are required to be created to target the company’s website?

    Well, there is no specific rule for the number of backlinks but it is advisable to check the competitor’s backlinks in terms of quantity and quality to decide the number of backlinks required to be created.

  2. Invest time in keyword research
    Around 3.5 billion searches take place on Google and that makes it difficult to rank the websites manually based on queries and the page content. That is why Google search algorithms are developed to fetch detailed data to understand the intent behind the queries, language, and keywords. By using advanced tools and software marketers can look for high ranking keywords and optimise their SEOs to match with the queries. This helps in increasing organic traffic on a website.

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  1. Improve webpage using keywords
    The selection of high-ranking keywords can’t really assure to generate good traffic on a website. It is really important to do the placing of these keywords in the content published on your website. Too much of stuffing of the keywords in the content put it into poor quality therefore it is advisable to use high ranking keywords in the URL, page title, hashtags, and subheadings. These are the first things that Google looks for on the webpage while showing the search results. With this, the website owners also need to formulate content promotion strategies to make their presence on the internet.

  2. Develop lengthy content
    The placing of keywords in heading, subheading, permalink, hashtags is still not enough to increase the organic search traffic on a website. Develop lengthy content to use various high-ranking keywords and the words as well as phrases related to it.  The lengthy content also gives freedom to explain in details about the products and services. This also shows the company’s expertise in offering various products and services to the customers.

Read More: What Is Google PageRank?

  1. Use less competitive keywords
    While selecting the keywords for content development it is important to know that the keywords with lower search volumes prove to be best in bringing good traffic. This is a weird truth. The studies have shown that less competitive keywords surprisingly work better than highly competitive keywords when it comes to improvising the website ranking and increase organic traffic.

  2. Understand search intent
    One of the best SEO techniques to increase organic traffic is to understand the intent behind the keyword and accordingly develop the content. The intent can be to get the information about the products and services, urge to buy products or services, doing the research about products or services before buying them, or it can be as simple as just looking for the products on e-commerce websites. Once the intent is understood then the content can be developed using those particular keywords to explain about the brands, products and services that are being offered.

  3. Check website speed
    Waiting for a webpage to upload for long falls under the category of ‘bad user experience’ and this automatically affects the website ranking and volume of traffic. Therefore, invest in best hosting companies to make sure that the website opens quickly. Ideally, all the webpages should not take more than two seconds to open.

  4. Improvise content
    The webpage content that is unique and informative with proper usages of the keywords is considered as good quality content. Content that is clean, new, and easy to understand increase organic search traffic on a website.

  5. Build a good site structure
    After creating backlinks, placing high ranking keywords and improving site speed, it’s important to have a good site structure. A good site structure displays all the webpages and has good navigation to guide visitors. While designing the site structure it is important to note that every webpage of the site should get opened within 3 to 4 clicks from the homepage. The site structure can also be improved by categorising the content on the webpage, adding navigation buttons, and showing a large number of posts.

  6. Develop effective category pages
    Optimize category pages by using long-tail keywords, longer content that is new and unique. Use high-resolution images to define products and services. Define products and services in details that are being offered. The eye-catchy images, clean content, good punch lines/headings relevant to google queries make Google understand the webpage more clearly to rank them and this in return increase organic traffic on the website.
  7. Avoid duplicity of the content
    Write unique and new content on every webpage even if it is about the same kind of the products and services that are already defined. Google give low ranking to the sites having duplicate content and at times penalise also. This affects the volume of traffic and ranking of the website adversely.  

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