Drawing Customer’s Attention Through Twitter Ads

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Drawing customer’s attention through Twitter Ads

With millions of social media users, digital marketing has taken dive into a new segment called social media marketing. Unlike before when digital marketing was limited to SEO, email marketing, and PPC, social media marketing has changed all the dynamics of marketing a brand.

There are various social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Snapchat, etc. Every social media site has its own peculiarity and reach. There are more than 200 million users on Twitter as per the website Statista. Imagine the size of a potential customer base for a brand. With billions of tweets sent across each day and regular changes in the Twitter algorithm, it is better to hire Twitter management services provides by Whisskers to enhance brand visibility, website traffic, and customer engagement. Our team of social media experts provides unique strategies to promote a brand using Twitter and increase conversions.

Twitter management services

1) Open Twitter account: We open a Twitter account on behalf of our client, use the company’s logo and high-definition images and customise the Twitter profile theme to stand out among the competitors. Opening a Twitter account allows the user to access Twitter analytics to check various metrics related to ad campaigns.

2) Advertising objective: Our team invest time in a thorough understanding of the business requirements of our client and decide the objective behind running an ad campaign. The objective can be any right from spreading brand awareness, increasing audience reach, engagement rate, website traffic, to conversions.

3) Audience targeting: As per the ad objective we select the audience for it based upon location and demographics. Twitter allows selecting the audience as per their age, occupation, gender, language, location, to promote a brand.

4) Content development: Our team design and develop the content using high-ranking keywords, HD images, videos, and trending hashtags to promote text, image, and video ads on Twitter.

5)Launch ads: Once the ad campaign is developed our team looks for its placing and launch the ad.

6) Engage via retweets: With our Twitter management services, we engage the Twitter fan base of our client by posting regular Twitter updates, retweets, conducting opinion polls, contests, etc. After all, every brand needs to retain an old and new audience for the business and our team always keeps this on priority.

Types of Twitter ads

Twitter ads give a new avenue for brands to promote their services and products. It also acts as a powerful medium to connect the right audience with the brand. There are various kinds of Twitter ads that one can use to form a strong brand reputation. 

1) Promoted ads: Promoted ads appear like normal tweets except that they are labeled as promoted ads in the lower-left corner. Promoted ads can be liked, commented on, and retweeted. In this, the company needs to pay a small fee for showing the ads to non-followers of the brand. For the brand followers, the promoted ads appear in their timelines. The ads can be developed in the text, image, and video format to showcase the products, brand, and services.

2) Promoted Twitter accounts: In this entire brand’s account on Twitter is promoted to appear in search results, suggestions, and who to follow section. This allows the brand to connect with non-followers and convert them into potential customers.

3) Trending ads: Trending ads exactly work like trending topics in Twitter having interesting content and high-ranking keywords as well as hashtags. Once the advertiser selects the placement and launches the ad, it appears as promoted trend to the users. Whenever users browse on the hashtags to find trending ads, there are high chances that your brand’s ad may appear among the top search results on Twitter. This type of ad can also be liked, retweeted, and commented on by users.

4) Automatic ads: This option works best for small businesses having a limited budget and no dedicated advertising team. The first 10 tweets related to the brand can be added to the automatic ads section. The targeted audience, date as well as time to launch the ads can be selected and Twitter will automatically launch ads on your behalf at the scheduled time and date.

Conclusion: To stay ahead in the competition and do brand promotion it is best to hire social media marketing services and use this powerful channel to connect with new audiences, retain old customers, interact with brand users, launch ad campaigns to promote products and services to build amazing brand reputation.

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