Social Media Marketing Services

[ct_heading tag=”div” font_size=”18″ font_size_md=”18″ font_size_sm=”18″ font_size_xs=”18″ line_height=”32″ line_height_md=”32″ line_height_sm=”32″ line_height_xs=”32″ font_weight=”600″ font_style=”” description=”Today Social media has emerged as the fastest mode of communication platform where marketers can establish two-way communication between the audience and the brand. Social media marketing helps companies to target potential customers, spread brand awareness at a mass scale, launch new products, and receive real-time feedback.

In the last few years Whisskers has emerged as the best social media marketing agency in India for providing customised social media marketing plans to all kinds of industries. At Whisskers we focus on enhancing brand communication with the targeted audience by studying audience behaviour and formulating appropriate content strategies to promote products and services on social media platforms.

Social media marketing is not just about posting on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. The content has to be designed in such a way to meet business objectives with suitable social media marketing strategy.” margin_bottom=”18″]

[ct_heading text=”Whisskers Social media Marketing process” tag=”h2″ font_weight=”” font_style=”” text_color=”#000000″ description=”Every brand has a story and therefore there cannot be one common social media strategy for all the brands. Every brand has its audience, market size, demographics, and cultural nuances. Being the best social media marketing agency in India Whisskers treat each one of the clients differently and provide unique and innovative social media marketing plans to attain business goals.

At Whisskers our team of social media experts first understand the business requirements of our client such as promoting the sale, expanding targeted audience, product launch, enhance brand engagement, etc. After this, they do in-depth research to understand the audience behaviour, market size, and demographics to formulate social media marketing strategies and execute them on suitable channels.

Being counted as the best social media marketing agency in India, Whisskers have an experienced and talented professional to give the quality services, lay down result-oriented plans, and give timely delivery of the projects. The process of social media marketing is given below.

  • Manage Social Media Profiles: With 1.73 billion users on Facebook, 126 million users on Twitter, 1 billion users on Instagram, 675 million users on LinkedIn, and over 2 billion users on YouTube worldwide, it is very important to create a good profile on social media platforms. Creative content plays a crucial role in building a brand image as well as promoting products and services through social media platforms. Our team of experts develop the social media calendar and create effective content using audio, visual, and text formats as per the business requirements and brand USPs.
  • Audience Targeting: People visiting social media pages of various brands do not always end up buying products and services offered by those brands. Our team of social media experts keeps track of such people to understand their needs, preferences, demographics, and intent. This study helps in developing the right content strategies to target customers and prospects.
  • Ads creation: Creative content builds a significant brand image. Our team of creative professionals and content writers work together to develop eye-catchy advertising campaigns with high-resolution images, videos, and crisp text messages to attain better audience engagement.
  • Insight and Data: Our team collect data regularly and do the analysis to find out the effectiveness of ad campaigns and improvise them if needed to achieve the results.

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[ct_heading text=”Whisskers Social Media Marketing Services” tag=”h2″ align_md=”align-center-md” align_sm=”align-center-sm” align_xs=”align-center-xs” font_weight=”” font_style=””]

As per the studies following facts are helpful in understanding the need for social media marketing.

  • 90.4% of the world’s millennials and 77.5% of Gen X are on some social media platform.
  • 54% of people use social media to research products.
  • On average, a person spends over 2 hours 20 mins every day on social media.

Social media marketing is the most effective and economical mode of digital marketing if it is done with the right strategy at the right platform. Whisskers is providing digital marketing services for the last many years and has emerged as the best social media marketing agency in India. Whisskers assist the clients in achieving business growth through the following services.

[ct_fancybox cms_template=”ct_fancybox–layout2.php” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-pencil-square-o” text_button=”Read More” link_button=”|title:Lead%20Generation%20Services||” title=”Lead Generation” description=”The 3.2 billion users on various social media platforms have given the golden opportunity to all kinds of industries to generate leads for their products and services. Not all the visitors who visit the company’s website end up doing purchasing. Many times they visit the website to get more information about the products and services, give their details like preferences, requirements, contact details, etc. Team Whisskers collect this data and launch an effective campaign to engage these prospects for lead generation. Lead generation helps our clients in acquiring customer loyalty, references, and building a positive brand image.”]
[ct_fancybox cms_template=”ct_fancybox–layout2.php” icon_list=”fontawesome5″ icon_fontawesome5=”fac fac-cog” icon_weight=”icon-fal” text_button=”Read More” link_button=”|title:Traffic%20Boost||” title=”Traffic Boost” description=”Nearly 91 % of social media users prefer mobile devices to access the various websites. The social media marketing redirects social media users to the company’s websites. This helps traffic generation. Being the best social media marketing agency Whisskers offer customised social media strategies, develop creative content, and launch them on the right platform at the right time to gather as much traffic as possible.”]
[ct_fancybox cms_template=”ct_fancybox–layout2.php” icon_list=”fontawesome5″ icon_fontawesome5=”fac fac-laptop-code” icon_weight=”icon-fal” text_button=”Read More” link_button=”|title:Social%20Media%20Engagement||” title=”Social Media Engagement” description=”More than a million users across the world join social media platforms every day. This is like having a goldmine for traffic generation on the websites. Social media engagement calculate the brand’s reach among the targeted audience and establish two-way communication between the audience and the brand. The team Whisskers works to gather more traffic on the social media channels, at the same time, they create and maintain significant brand image among the customers and prospects.”]
[ct_fancybox cms_template=”ct_fancybox–layout2.php” icon_list=”fontawesome5″ icon_fontawesome5=”fac fac-chart-bar” icon_weight=”icon-fal” text_button=”Read More” link_button=”|title:Brand%20Awareness%20Marketing%20Campaign||” title=”Brand Awareness” description=”The social media page of a brand acts as the face of the business. If the social media content of a company is relevant for the audience presences and requirements then only it will enhance the conversion rate. Social media marketing helps in generating more traffic and more leads that ultimately boost the conversion rate. Team Whisskers develop apt content to garner the business needs and audience requirements to spread brand awareness on a massive scale.”]
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