Email Marketing Service

best email marketing services
[ct_heading text=”What is Email Marketing?” tag=”h2″ font_size=”18″ font_size_md=”18″ font_size_sm=”18″ font_size_xs=”18″ line_height=”32″ line_height_md=”32″ line_height_sm=”32″ line_height_xs=”32″ font_weight=”600″ font_style=”” description=”Email marketing is the strategic use of emails to promote your product or services. Businesses can use email marketing to reach out to potential customers and develop and strengthen relations with current customers.

Email marketing serves various purposes in businesses. It lets you keep your customers informed and personalize their marketing messages accordingly. Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective forms of digital marketing today that brings in conversions. It is persuasive and potent when used rightly.” el_class=”color-primary” margin_bottom=”18″]

[ct_heading text=”Benefits of Email Marketing” tag=”h2″ font_weight=”” font_style=”” description=”The right email marketing service provider Company helps you connect your brand with the right customers at the right time to increase your sales.

Here are the benefits that email marketing can provide your business.

  • Expand Your Business Reach
  • Email marketing campaigns can have better reach. They show greater potential for engagement than most traditional marketing methods. Professional email marketing companies can help you reach your target audiences on multiple devices in compliance with laws.

  • Connect With Different Audiences
  • B2C and B2B email marketing allows you to reach a wide variety of audiences. Email marketing allows you to offer personalized messages, unique codes and discounts, and campaigns that use data such as regions, birthdays, and customer lifetime value (CLV).

  • Build Customer Loyalty
  • Emails provide a medium to promote frequent brand interactions with your clients and customers. Regular web email marketing communication with your customers makes it possible for your company to drive more sales and generate brand loyalty. This helps build strong business relationships.

  • Cost-effective marketing
  • The cost of engaging with and marketing to an existing client using email campaigns is 6 to 12 times less than other marketing channels, such as paid advertising or social media marketing. As a result, targeted email marketing drives more business and also save you money.

  • Drive Strong Results
  • Email marketing offers various ways to test and find out if you are meeting your marketing goals. You can perform multivariate testing to examine any component of your email campaign. This offers valuable insights into where to revise and revisit your email marketing strategy to drive the most results.


[ct_heading text=”Whisskers Advantage to Email Marketing” font_weight=”” font_style=”” description=”Whisskers Email Marketing Agency can help you harness the power of email communication with your clients and customers. We help you create direct links with your prospects and help build customer loyalty. Our team provides email marketing services for all kinds of businesses, from small and medium-sized businesses to Fortune 500 and multi-location companies.

At Whisskers Email Marketing Agency, we provide value and increase your profitability by investing in the best and most modern email marketing software and delivering marketing automation services.”]

[ct_heading text=”Our Approach to Email Marketing” font_weight=”” font_style=”” description=”Discover how our email marketing agency designs email campaigns as per your marketing needs.

  • Identify and set email marketing goals
  • Choose the relevant email marketing tools
  • Determine your target audience
  • Identify the appropriate email list-building tactics
  • Segmentation of your mailing list
  • Identify the types and frequency of emails to send
  • Create an email schedule for sending emails
  • Design and format the email content
  • Optimize emails as per customer preferences
  • Conduct split-testing
  • Monitor and send email performance reports


[ct_heading text=”Whisskers is recognized by” align_lg=”align-center” align_md=”align-center-md” align_sm=”align-center-sm” align_xs=”align-center-xs” font_size=”50″ font_size_md=”50″ font_size_sm=”36″ font_size_xs=”32″ line_height=”55″ line_height_md=”55″ line_height_sm=”40″ line_height_xs=”36″ font_weight=”” font_style=”” margin_bottom=”70″]
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[ct_heading text=”Email Marketing Service We Provide” tag=”h2″ align_lg=”align-center” align_md=”align-center-md” align_sm=”align-center-sm” align_xs=”align-center-xs” font_weight=”” font_style=”” subtitle=”Email Marketing” description=”Your one stop for all Email Marketing”]
[ct_fancybox cms_template=”ct_fancybox–layout2.php” icon_list=”fontawesome5″ icon_fontawesome5=”fac fac-chart-bar” icon_weight=”icon-fal” text_button=”Read More” link_button=”|title:Email%20Marketing%20Automation||” title=”Marketing Automation” description=”Email marketing uses technology and software to automate various aspects of email marketing campaigns, such as sending targeted and personalized messages to subscribers, scheduling campaigns, segmenting email lists, and tracking email campaign performance. Use your email marketing automation platform to automate various aspects of your email campaigns, such as sending emails to specific segments of your email list and setting up triggers and workflows.”]
[ct_fancybox cms_template=”ct_fancybox–layout2.php” icon_list=”fontawesome5″ icon_fontawesome5=”fac fac-cog” icon_weight=”icon-fal” text_button=”Read More” link_button=”|title:Customized%20Email||” title=”Custom Email” description=”With our custom email services, you get email hosting solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of businesses and individuals. Unlike free email services such as Gmail or Yahoo Mail, custom email services offer greater control, flexibility, and security, and allow you to use your own domain name for your email address, which enhances your brand identity and credibility.”]
[ct_fancybox cms_template=”ct_fancybox–layout2.php” icon_list=”fontawesome5″ icon_fontawesome5=”fac fac-laptop-code” icon_weight=”icon-fal” text_button=”Read More” link_button=”|title:Customer%20Retention%20Emails||” title=”Customer Retention Emails” description=”Customer retention emails include welcome back emails, review request emails, personalised product recommendations, thank you emails, and anniversary emails. These emails are designed to encourage repeat business, increase customer satisfaction, and reduce customer churn.”]
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[ct_heading text=”FAQ” font_weight=”” font_style=””][ct_accordion ct_accordion=”%5B%7B%22ac_title%22%3A%22What%20kind%20of%20email%20marketing%20strategy%20do%20you%20follow%3F%22%2C%22ac_content%22%3A%22We%20identify%20your%20business%20goals%20first%20and%20then%20design%20our%20email%20marketing%20strategy%20based%20on%20that%20and%20your%20customer%20preferences%20and%20needs.%20Our%20team%20decides%20on%20the%20type%2C%20number%2C%20format%2C%20and%20content%20of%20emails%20to%20be%20sent%20and%20keeps%20a%20strict%20tab%20on%20the%20performance%20of%20emails%20to%20get%20the%20most%20returns%20out%20of%20the%20marketing%20efforts.%5Cn%22%7D%2C%7B%22ac_title%22%3A%22What%20types%20of%20emails%20do%20you%20think%20would%20be%20beneficial%20for%20my%20business%3F%22%2C%22ac_content%22%3A%22Our%20email%20marketing%20team%20deals%20with%20all%20kinds%20of%20business%20emails%2C%20such%20as%20promotional%20emails%2C%20Welcome%20emails%2C%20subscription%20reminders%2C%20customer%20newsletters%2C%20invoices%20and%20purchase%20receipts%2C%20re-engagement%20emails%2C%20and%20many%20more.%20We%20will%20use%20a%20blend%20of%20these%20emails%20to%20send%20information%20and%20special%20offers%20to%20your%20customers%20that%20relate%20to%20your%20product.%20%5Cn%22%7D%5D”]
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